End it with a Party

Today we celebrate the joys of our internship: what we have learned through shared experience, the friendships we have made, and the knowledge that we have gained and given. We also celebrate CVA(Center for Visual Art) turning 25 today! This gallery has graciously hosted us for these past three weeks and today we pay them back. The interns will be manning the OhHeckYeah! booth at CVA’s street fair and also providing art-making opportunities for every kiddo that wants to get creative! These interns, now well versed in OHY!’s games and mission of building community through play and steeped in professional practice, are ready to show the public what they’re made of and the skills they’ve gained. The weather was perfect, the music was amazing, and the food was on point! Like every good intern, our interns know that every successful event starts with group stretches…

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